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Maria, Caregiver
Before finding Home on the Hill, I felt alone and isolated as a parent and caregiver of an adult son with serious mental illness. My family and I had met many doctors, social workers, nurses, and therapists in our never-ending journey through the mental health system.
While the medical profession deals with symptom-oriented facts and rational conclusions - it is in fact the family of adults with mental illness who are left to deal with the very human and emotional side of the illness. Combine that with the fact that we are not privy to information about our loved one's condition and treatment - it is no wonder parents and caregivers feel left out - on the sidelines- unable to reach out due to factors such as lack of knowledge, stigma, and fear.
Home on the Hill has changed all of that for me. Their support groups, social activities, and public education seminars armed me with information and gave me emotional support and a sense of belonging. It's a place where I can share my concerns freely with others without fear of being judged.
As you can see from my picture, it has become a haven and I no longer feel alone in my journey.

E.W., Caregiver
What a great meeting last. Finding you and your group has been a lifesaver. I’m sad we didn’t find you years ago!! My mom and I will definitely come back and be in touch. I had two great chats with two of my brothers psychiatrists today. Feeling much more grounded and positive about the plan. So great you are in Richmond Hill! My mom is close by in Aurora.
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